Product Wt. Range: 5 kg – 100 kg.

UNIT- ll
Product Wt. Range : 5 kg – 100 kg.
All plants are well equipped with the latest Moulding Technologies like DISA make. Molding lines (ARPA 450 And 900 Capacity) are supported by DISA make Sand Plants with effective Sand cooling, Handling systems & High-Speed Intensive Mixers with different capacities. Sand Mix Controls (SMCs) are ensuring the delivery of good quality Sand with Auto Process Control & Testing Facilities.
The first stage where products starts gaining its face is the moulding shop. S Group Having a Green Sand Molding Process for Any type of casting such as CI or SG Iron. Green sand casting is an efficient molding process that utilizes sand as the main molding material. This casting method is referred to as “green” since the sand is recyclable and there are no chemical additives in the sand.